Monday, September 20, 2010

Magnetic fields

We started magnets today, and I gotta say I'm pretty excited for it. I used to play with magnets all the time when I was little. Also one of my favourite songs is named magnet.

This is what you'll get if you search magnet on deviantart. IT'S AN AWESOME SONG OK.

So yeah, here's the summary of our reading today.

Magnetic Field: Force distribution of work at a distance.
As you probably know, the north end of the magnetic forces attract the south, while repelling another north. Vice versa for south. If you didn't know this, you didn't play with magnets enough when you were little. Or I was just overly fascinated by magnets. I may have devoured some as a child.
Test compass: type of compass used to find magnetic fields.
Ferromagnetic metals: Iron, nickel, and cobalt, which is attracted by magnets. All magnets are also made up of these metals.
Domain Theory of Magnets: magnets are made of dipoles (smaller magnets that are rotable) and produces magnetic domains when they line up.
Oersted's Principle: A circular magnetic field is formed around the conductor when charge moves through it.
Right Hand Rules: hand signs created to predict the actions of magnetic fields.
Electromagnet: wire coil around iron core making magnetic fields using electric currents.
Magnetic field strength is measured in T (tesla) and is represented by B. The formula for T is 1T = 1N/Am, which means when 1 meter of conductor is carrying 1 A of current, while crossing a magnetic field of 90 degrees and having a magnetic force of 1 N.
Solenoid: Coiled conductor that does things a bar of magnet does as current is passed through it.

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