Tuesday, September 14, 2010


WOO another 10 point assignment. ARE YOU GUYS READYYYYYY.

Resistance: measure of the electrical current's opposition.
R=V/I, where R is the resistance in volt or ampere, in units of ohm (Ω), V is volts, and I is amperes.
Resistivity: measure of the resistance of a substance.
Ohm's law: Certain type of resistor having constant V/I ratio.
Gauge number: cross sectional area of a wire.
Series circuit: Loads being connected by one path, so that if any part of the path is broken, the current stops flowing.
Parellel circuit: Loades being connected in several paths, side by side, so that if one part of the path is broken, it is still possible for the current to travel through another path.
Kirchhoff's current law: Total amount of current going in a point where the paths connect (junction point) is the same as the total amount of current going out.
Kirchhoff's voltage law: Electrical potential increase in a complete circuit loop is the same as the decrease in electrical potential decrease in a complete circuit loop.
Conservation of electric charge and the conservation of energy shows that energy is not lost or gained in any circuit.

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